Are your eyebrows needing some TLC? Whether you were like me and came from the era of over plucking, poor brow shaping, or would just like fuller, thicker brows, then you've come to the right place. I've narrowed down my list to some eyebrow growth serum options, both lab-curated and organic, that will help you along your brow growth journey to healthier, bolder, and fuller eyebrows. 

eyebrow growth serum

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.

The 90's and early 2000's was an interesting time for beauty and fashion. From the Y2K hair, to the dark lip liner, and of course, the pencil-thin eyebrows, celebrities like Drew Barrymore, Courtney Cox, and Cameron Diaz, were the beauty and fashion icons of the day, setting the stage for what the beauty standards were of that era. As a young, adolescent girl during that time, I too hopped on the trend of plucking my eyebrows to within an inch of their life to achieve the over-arched, barely there eyebrows. Fast-forward to today, the trendy eyebrow look is to look like you actually have eyebrows. From thin and sparse, to full and feathery, I reveal the best options, along with helpful tips, to take your eyebrows to their fullest potential.

Here are the 5 best eyebrow growth serums and oils for 2023. 

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    RevitaBrow Enhancing Eyebrow Serum 

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Like its RevitaLash serum counterpart, RevitaBrow Enhancing Brow conditioner promises fuller, thicker eyebrows in no time. This was one of the first high-end eyebrow serums that I purchased, desperate for fast results.

Did I like it? Would I recommend it? Yes and yes. I noticed results within the first month of use, and continued to use this for another two more months.

Keep in mind, your lashes and brows will grow at different rates, no matter what serum or growth oil you use, and that's because the skin is much more delicate on the eyelids and around your eyes compared to the thicker skin under your eyebrows. Peptides and growth constituents are able to penetrate the thinner skin, down to the root of the hair, much faster and easier on your lash line than the skin on your forehead. Now, with that in mind, patience is key when growing out your eyebrows, so no matter what product you use, it will not be a miracle in a bottle.

However...there is something interesting I noticed when reading through the ingredients for both the RevitaLash and RevitaBrow growth serums/conditioners. The ingredients for both are EXACTLY THE SAME! Yes, you read that right...word for word, no difference between the two products. The only difference is the applicator, but that can make a big difference. I would imagine that the eyebrow applicator will pick up more product than the applicator for the eyelashes, so you actually might save more product (and money) if you go for the eyelash serum instead.

You can also find this on their company website, Sephora, Ulta, and Dermstore.

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    Grande Cosmetics GrandeBROW Serum 

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Here's another high-end ticket item to add to the list for enhanced eyebrow growth. GrandeBROW was another one of the first brow products I tried. It's been a while since I've used this, but I recall this taking a bit longer to see new growth (since I had already started to regrow my brows at this point). Grande Cosmetics claims customers typically see noticeable growth within 6-8 weeks with daily use, which is the length of use you can get out of their trial size tube. The full size option provides enough product for 4 months, which is equivalent to spending $18.25 per month. Not a bad bargain, given that you actually get great results.

And guess what? They too have the same ingredients in both the GrandeLash and GrandeBrow serums! But unlike RevitaLash and RevitaBrow, the applicators are the same for both. It goes to say, it pays off to do a little research to make sure you're getting the best bang for your buck. In this case, you might as well just buy the RevitaBrow and use it on both your lashes and brows.

I want to reiterate that these DO work, especially for the beginning of your eyebrow growth journey, or even if you need a little boost in your eyebrow game. I believe in full transparency, so I hope this helps you decide which option best suits you, and how you might save yourself a few bucks!

You can also find this product on their company website, Sephora, Ulta, and Dermstore.

Natural and Organic Oils for Eyebrow Growth:

1. Castor Oil

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Castor oil is a centuries-old solution that generations have used as a health remedy, including improvement in overall hair health. But despite the lack of scientific evidence to back up the claim that castor oil aids in hair growth, people have sworn by its remedial properties, and boast results of thicker and fuller hair. Packed with rich, beneficial minerals, Vitamin E, and omega-6 fatty acids, castor oil definitely is a great option for nourishing the hair, which contributes to both the ideal growing environment as well as reduces hair loss and brittleness.

The consistency of castor oil is very thick and viscous, so I would recommend mixing it with other hair growth and nourishing oils such as coconut oil, grape seed oil, and/or rosemary oil.

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Another naturally occurring oil you can add to your DIY list is coconut oil. Rich in iron and Vitamins E and K, this is great for improving hair strength and avoiding breakage. Again, there isn't enough scientific evidence to back up the claims that it contributes to hair growth, however, it helps you keep the hairs you do have in place, contributing to thicker, fuller, more bolder eyebrows.

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Now, to my favorite...rosemary oil. I came to learn about this natural remedy for hair and eyebrow growth through another blogger who swore by it. Curious to see if it actually worked, I bought this exact product on Amazon, and 2 months later, my eyebrows have never been this thick!

This is the holy grail of oils, in my opinion, when it comes to growing your eyebrows. I committed to not shaping or plucking my eyebrows throughout the entire 2 months I was using this, and my eyebrows got super bushy. I was actually able to get them shaped professionally, which meant I had enough hair to do that, ha! Rosemary oil helps improve blood flow to the area of application, which can improve both circulation and stimulate the production of more hair follicles.

It's recommended to dilute rosemary oil due to its potency, so make sure to patch test it first to assure that you don't have an adverse reaction to it. I personally use it as is, and dip my spool in it, squeezing the excess off, because a little goes a long way.

Final Thoughts

If you're looking for a guide to growing your eyebrows to their baddest and boldest potential, kick start your eyebrow growth with some eyebrow growth serums and conditioners, specifically formulated with polypeptides, vitamins, and biotin (prostaglandins would be an added bonus). Continue using these serums daily for at least 6 months. By that point, you will have the leniency to go for the inexpensive organic oils for both maintenance and continuous growth.

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